Dear You
It is finally Thursday and the week is ending. Better log in this entry before it gets too basi. Feeling so tired and I really can't wait for the long weekend. Last weekend was the best ever and for the holidays I'm just looking forward to just chilling out.
Haha! Weird isn't it?
It should be the other way round. Don't get me wrong. Was planning to spend the long weekend indulging myself with abit of partying & stuff but it was moved forward.
Goodness.... Let me tell you all about it.
After work on Friday, I went to Jurong Point straight away to buy myself a pair of comfortable shoes as I was planning to meet my uncle, Alfie. Going out with him..... I can't actually dress up as our outings usually turn out to be unpredictable and Loads of crazy stuff will take place.
Finally got myself that pair of shoes from Everlast. The nice flat comfortable ones that I've always wanted to get but always end up distracted and buying 4 and 5 inches instead.
The ones I like were unfortunately unavailable in my size. Damn!!! That always happens!
So anyway once I reached home after clearing up the mess in my room, I got ready. Initially, we wanted to head to town to watch Ong Bak 2 but we missed the 9 plus slot so we headed down to Clarke Quay.
Went to Pump Room 1st as Alfie wanted to say hi to his former colleagues. Quite a fun bunch of group they are and after which, we went over to Fashion Bar to say hi to Laura, Alfie's girlfriend.
Headed to Pump Room again for some dancing and serious drinking. I totally made a mistake. Should have gotten a Vodka Redbull rather than a Bourbon Coke. By the time BF fetched me home, my head was spinning. Once in bed, I disturbed him quite abit when I had to crawl over him to get out of bed to head to the toilet and puke.
Since the next day was a Saturday, I had the pleasure of waking up late and since BF was working till late, I spent the day just lazing around. Decided to have my empal penyet for dinner in town and since we were there I suggested watching Ong Bak2.
A nasty surprise came when I saw a guy look at BF, who was walking ahead of me, with a stunned expression. When I realised why the guy looked familiar, I quickly looked to his side and as I live and breathe, I was right.
The guy was Masnan, the fiance of BF's psychotic ex-girlfriend, Sharipah. Now, this girl is really truly the crazy, possessive kind of person you do not want to have for a girlfriend or even as a boyfriend for that matter.
The kind of person who find nothing wrong in making you wait at a train station for an hour but shouts and screams at you at Orchard MRT station if you so much as make her wait for 5 minutes.
Even worse, she's the kind of person who shouts at you in a public area and insists on knowing why you made her wait 5 minutes in front of her mother. Yeah. She did just that right in front of BF's mom. How disrespectful can you get?
The kind of person where BF couldn't take it anymore with her attitude that he had to take drastic actions and went out with another girl to show her that he seriously wanted out in of the relationship since telling her nicely that he wanted to break up didn't seem to work.
Actions which resulted in her going over to his house in the morning when his dad was still asleep and started screaming, crying and begging simultaneously. When his dad woke up and told BF to just go as he had to report for reservist and that his dad will send her home, She stopped begging and started to punch him and turn over his fan & broke it but the turning point came when she turned over the TV and let it crash to the floor.
Yes, it is wrong for a guy to hit a girl but in this case I don't fault him for slapping her. Being hysterical is one thing but to this extent is too much especially when it was done right in the presence of his dad who is a very nice person. Tell me... you expect a guy to want you back after that stunt?
When BF left and his dad finally sent her home, he and BF's brother had to clean up the mess she made. After everything else she still had the cheek to meet up with his mom cause both were working at Orchard at that time and badmouth BF to his mom and begging his mom to convince him to get back to her.
It was hard for me at 1st cause when I 1st got together with BF, his mom still held Sharipah in a good light until one fateful day that Sharipah finally showed her true colours and admitted on Friendster that she actually thinks BF's mom is pathetic and lots of degrading stuff before finally admitting that she used his mother and that since the mother wasn't successful in convincing BF to get back with her. She found no more use for her and just disappeared.
Sweet girl. Ain't she?
Before I go on...
A note for you guys. All the above events are true to my knowledge. Thanks to his dad and mom and siblings and his friends who up till now still tease him about it.
So by now you get the drift and a rough idea of what she is like. To continue, I was really pleased to see her expression when she saw me. It was a mixture of panic and fear. Haha! Story goes that she left a comment on BF's sister's Friendster profile calling me a slut and that I wouldn't stay long with BF cause BF didn't stay long with her whereas she has everything in life and a fiance.
Since I know that she will read this cause my blog address is listed in my Friendster profile. I have all this to say.
I actually snorted in indignation when I read it. She has everything in life? What the fuck makes her think that I don't? I HAVE everything in life short of happiness in a relationship which GOD have blessed me now with the arrival of BF in my life.
I have never been materialistic since I myself have time and again broken away from my family's lofty reputations and high figured incomes. So if she is proud of those kind of things, she can jolly well shove it up her small flat ass cause it doesn't make any impression on me and I fucking do not care any one microscopic iota.
Your parents handling a lontong business? Darling, my grandparents had and are still doing their lontong business too ever since the kampung days. In fact. Tapais, sambal gorengs and loads more. So yeah... I'm not impressed. You're proud of having money? Whatever. To me.. It comes and it goes. My family is comfortable but at least I don't look down on the ones that have humble upbringings.
Calling me a slut is totally uncalled for. Who the big fuck does she think she is anyway calling me that when she doesn't even know me? Not only that... She has even said that I do not have to show off cause my tits only look big thanks to push up bras...
This bitch is really pushing it isn't she?
Alright then... It's my turn now. Let ME give you a Class 101 lesson on the art of all out bitching.
My chest already measures 36B and there is a saying 'when you got it, flaunt it' News flash. I stopped wearing push ups since I was 16 just because of the fact that I don't actually need it. Even if I were to wear push ups, at least I have something to basically push up unlike your.... what? 32A sized ones?
Anyway if you were to wear one it won't make any difference cause there's nothing. Oh and yes... I look good wearing a bikini cause when you wear one, it is placed so high up your chest cause your chest is so flat, the term airplane runway and bee stings come to mind. In fact when I look at pictures of you in a bikini standing beside your fiance, I realised that your chest looks the same as his.
To be crude... If your fiance rasa steam, he can just gentel punat dia sendiri lah since it won't make any difference whatsoever between his and yours right?
So save your unfounded accusations to yourself cause it is obvious that when you don't have the support of a round bra cup, you are totally flat, If fact when I look through photos of you, you shouldn't be getting 32As. You should be getting training bras. Face it. Even when you're wearing t-shirts or so, your bra is still high up your chest. It can't be that perky. Anyhoos the chest size you have now is exactly how it was like for me when I was in Primary 4.
One time, BF and I were walking around town and since there was a sale going around, we were leisurely browsing when I saw a top I liked displayed at Zara's window. We went in and before I even had the chance to walk around, I noticed her straight away. I knew she was working in ZARA. I just didn't realised that she was working at the outlet in Taka. BF and I decided to leave cause we didn't want to spoil our mood.
Bad mistake cause the next day she texted BF's sister and claimed that I ran away from her when I noticed her at ZARA. Claimed that she had known that I was one for big talk and that I was a coward & that I ran and pulled BF along cause I was afraid that if BF looks at her, old feelings would stir and BF would want to come back to her.
To me, that was just TOO FUCKING MUCH!!!! me? A FUCKING COWARD??!! RUN AWAY?!!!
I normally cuss like a sailor but this time my normal vulgar language does not even begin to reflect the intensity of the way I reacted. So now you know why I relished in her fearful and panic stricken face during that encounter? If I am what she said I am, why was she the one with that look?
I showed her that I was the bigger person by looking both at her and her fiance in the eye, took satisfaction when both flinched, just said 'Ah FUCK' before turning away with a disgusted look on my face. If this time she still say that I'm still running away from her. I will personally hunt her down and wring her neck myself. Oh... wait.. I don't need to hunt her down. If I'm not wrong, she's working as a sales assistant for COACH in Changi Airport Terminal 2.
My sources are still as great as ever. Haven't totally lost my magic touch yet. Times like this I'm grateful for the connections I have since during my Minah days.
Dear Sharipah, when your name is as old school as that, I can understand why you would rather people call you Sheri. Yours is not even Sharifah or so but a Shari-PAH. By the way, my name, NATASHA is a given name by my parents not like a glamour name like Sheri so assuming that I took on the name Natasha cause I hate my own name for the fact that it's old school is totally baseless.
It's Nor Natasha and I'm bloody well proud of it.
If you wanna bitch about someone, please make sure you have the facts right 1st. Don't bitch about something so baseless and untrue that can just boomerang back to you. Oh... and next time, do a abit of research on your adversary 1st. After all, you don't want to be caught in fear like that day at Cineleisure on the 17th of January 2009 do you?
Because it is really embaressing. In a way I'm glad I did not rise up that much to your baiting. *Yawn* it is a known fact that I like my adversaries to look me straight in the eye without faltering and with their chin up. Yeah. You do that and I will hand you the salute you deserve. Anything less than that, you are not even worth the bloody ground I walk on.
Oh and since you like the P.S and ending everything with Yours Truly till you made it your trademark. Here's one from me...
P.S. I now know what a coward you are.
and to be bitchy just for the sake of it...
P.P.S. I have the butt and the chest. My figure is perfect and I have the looks. My skin is not as horrible as yours and when I wear make up. My face doesn't look 3-4 shades whiter than my neck. I have full lips and I'm proud of it and my 2 front teeth are not that big. Instead of spending all your money on your holidays. I suggest keeping aside some for a good facial care set. It really isn't nice to see someone wearing thick make up to cover their blemishes but yet the black and some bloody looking pimple marks can still be seen especially for someone who thinks highly of themselves like you or maybe just invest in some really good concealer.
P.P.P.S. Actually don't bother cause even if you treated your skin, went for implants for both your tits and butt, filed you 2 front teeth to an acceptable size and put in botox in your thin upper lip, It still won't prove that you can be better than me.
P.P.P.P.S. Comparing our other halves.... My MAN is better than your BOY cause he is that. A MAN. Not a BOY. Anyway your BOY looks like he has down syndrome or something... to me that is la... But then you don't look that fantastic yourself. Just ok looking. Abit bland but not really a person who can turn heads twice. Clever of you though to take pictures with a bit of distance from the camera. No close ups for you huh? or it's just only close up with edits or close ups where you can see the difference between you white foundation overloaded face and your yellow based neck.
Hur Hur Hur.... Do NOT even begin to think that you have any right to bitch about others you don't know about especially about people like me without suffering the repercussions
And that my dear girl, is how you BITCH Normally I wouldn't even mention the names of the people I bitch about However in this case, I'll make an acception I know sticks and stones won't break my bones and such but you had better be thankful that only words are exchanged. If I were still the old me, I would have paid you a little visit. But as it were you're very lucky this time round but remember good luck tends to run out.
Puting aside my encounter with Sharipah (Pssst... I'll upload her pictures when I have the time ok)
Guess who we bumped into that night too... None other than Alfie himself and Lisa, also an ex insomnian. Pleasant surprise after my not so pleasant one. After chatting a bit, we decided to join them to Clarke Quay after our movies ended, Us, Ong Bak 2. Them, College.
I have to say that Ong Bak 2 was not that great but it was FUCKING AWESOME! to me la... different people have different views. The moves and everything are FUCKTASTIC!! Now I wish I had continued my martial arts lesson. Haiyah....
The ending was touching though. To have gotten a long way only to have ended up that way is really truly sad. Haiz...
Ok... On with it... One thing I like about going out with Alfie is that I can dress down. Don't get me wrong, I love dressing up which I do with the GFs but to dress down means I can do all kinds of silly stuffs like dancing crazily, doing stupid things with not a care in the world and for this night out. We really went all out.
Vodka Redbull was the drink of the night. Heavy on the Vodka of course. Words can't explain how I enjoyed that night so I'm going to let the pictures of us do the talking for this case The Uncle and the Niece. It's obvious we're related. Pulling faces are our specialty.
Ever wondered what a person with Fish Lips look like?
Laura, Lisa, Natasha & Saiful in Fashion Bar. From the pale to the tanned.
Alfie, Lisa, Natasha & Saiful in Pump Room.
Reserved for my one and only Fashion Bar was great and we didn't wanna leave so they threw us out. haha! Before Laura thumps me. Kidding!!! :P
Passed out
Various state of drunken positions
In the end. Lisa fell asleep. Yeah she fell asleep like that.
Haha! So as you can see. We totally enjoyed ourselves. Too much I guess.
If you wanna look through more you can go check out my Friendster or Multiply.
Sunday was spent at EXPO for the wedding exhibition. The amount of friends I bumped into was amazing. Obviously I'm gonna have a busy year this 2009. Engagements and weddings to go to. Both BF and I were drawn Fatimah Mohsin's decor and RH Bridal's clothes. They had this black color 60s themed mafia style gown and suit on display. A black suit with hat for the guy and a black gown with some feathers for decoration for the hair. Damn JAMBU la I tell you!
Afterwards we went to KK hospital cause GF Sue's babygirl, Roxy had high fever and was admitted. Poor thing she. When we arrived there her temperature went down abit so I managed to play with her for awhile. Her kakak, Rizny was being her usual mischievious self... talking in her own baby language and playing here and there.
These two girls are seriously so cute la... gigit pipi!
Since we had abit of time, we headed to Cineleisure to watch College. The show is fucking gross I tell ya! 1 of the sickest comedy I have ever watched. But in a funny sort of way. Eeeurgh!!! I wanted to puke quite a few times while watching it. Seriously... those with a weak stomach are not advisable to watch it. Aiyah... but it's ok... only a few parts were gross.
Ok that's enough... I better go through my company email.
With Love .JPG)
Till Then....