[15] My Best Girlfriends And My GodDaughter!
Dear You
Nothing much to say now..
I should say nothing much to tell... YET!
But for now.. I'm dedicating this entry to 2 of my babes.. 2 of my best girlfriends and my goddaughter.
I met Suliana or Su and Juraida or Lobe ( pronounced as LO-BEH)... TERBALIKKAN BELO JADI LOBE since sec 1 in Hong Kah Sec. We became best buddies and the bond lasted all throughout these years..
At that point of time in school. Cliques were common. With the exception of Juraida. Not only were we in the same class. We were in the same clique. The 'degil, kepala batu, rebellious, crazy and.. hot stuff' clique.
Ok.. I was bullshitting about the 'hot stuff' part but yeah.. basically we were in the 'IN' group.
For Fuck sakes lah Tasha.. Stop it xia! But anyway...
Enough of that...
10 years of friendship and only once in 1999 when we were in sec 3 did we argue and only because a girl from our group was jealous of my friendship to Su and teamed up with my ex and made up rumours to break our friendship.
All that time Lobe was neutral and hanged out with either Su or me.
But too bad.. it lasted at most 2 weeks before Su found out the truth and came up to me and apologised and since then we have never argued. Even though there are times when we don't meet up for months on end...
We have always been comfortable with our bond. When I had problems, I'd call them up. When they had problems, they'd call me up.
Never once have we said to each other 'when u're happy, u forget me but when u're in trouble, u look for me'
There was a point of time when we didn't meet up for nearly 2 years then I got a call from them and our conversation was like as if we had always met up everyday.
We know each others ups and downs and we had never judged each other. We accepted each other for who we are.
Why am I suddenly talking about them..
Feeling nostalgic lah...
Missing the good times we had when we were in our teens and carefree.
Then.. It was Fuck the guys.. We have each other. Nobody can hurt us because the others would back us.
Now.. Su has been married for nearly 2 years with her husband Azmie (also a long time friend) and her 4 month old daughter Rizny Sherafeena whom she loves very much.
Lobe is in a steady comfortable relationship with Fahmi ( a long time friend too). Get this.. Ever since she was in kindergarten, she had a crush on Fahmi all the way till they finally got together around 3 years ago..
Now that's a very long time crush!
Aku nye turn....
Aniways.. these are my best girlfriends and my goddaughter.

Now for my goddaughter... Rizny Sherafeena Binte Rozkyazmie
Su's mom is a Mak Andam and at this time they were clearing up her andam stuff and saw the wig and decided to put it on Rizny..
Hehe.. Amoi Jepon!
Sayang Dia!
Ok I'm gonna sleep now! Till then.....
Labels: A tribute to a decade of friendship