[5] The Past Week
Dear You
Sorry I haven't been updating the thrills and spills of my life. I've been busy and by the time I sit in front of my lappy, I'm just too exhausted to do anything else except check my mail.
Okay. So.. What has been happening?
Monday 31st April Was bored so I decided to meet up with my Girlfriend Mas. We haven't seen each other in like months! Met up with her friends at Taka and we sat around and joked. It was a hoot i tell you! They were making all these lame jokes and impersonation of the people they knew or the people they saw at clubs. I laughed till I was breathless. Stayed awhile and left around 10.30pm
Tuesday 1st May Labour Day. I'm still very pissed off about Rudy. He still hasn't contacted me in any way. *&%#@*! Honestly I was very pissed. I called him thinking of confronting him. A girl answered. Said that he wasn't around. I only heard the sound of the Tv in the background.I pretended to put down the phone but only covered the mouthpiece. After a while I heard her say that there was nobody on the line and she cancelled the connection. I straight away speed dialled his number. This time he answered. When I asked him who answered. He said he did. I told him that earlier a girl answered He said ' oh. maybe my sister.' Ok fine. It could be. After all it was Labour Day and usually on public holidays, he's out with his family. Which was what he said he was doing. Out with his family at his uncle's place before going fishing.
Thursday 3rd May Went for an interview for the position as Recep/Admin Assistant at Mercator Lines. It's a private sector shipping company. It's located on the 42nd storey of Suntec Tower Two. I have to say that the view is F***ING AMAZING!
the normal interview questions.. blah blah blah...
Not even half an hour later, they called me up and asked me to come down for a second interview the next day.
After the interview I went to meet Cheryl at Chijmes. Whenever she's working the morning shift I always try to go there at 6pm in time for her to pass over her stuff to the next supervisor. We went to town to do some window shopping and buy her stuff before eating at Food Republic at Wisma Atria. While eating we gossiped. Sat at McCafe at Lido. Had a few drinks then went off home.
Around 2am my brother went out to meet his friends. I sat in my room. I couldn't sleep so I read my book. At around 4.30am, I heard my brother saying the standard greeting we Malays use.
I went out of my room and asked my dad who was watching tv, to open the door. My dad asked me why Told him that my brother's outside. My dad said he didn't hear anything. I looked out the window but there wasn't anyone. I thought my ears were playing tricks on me so I just went back to my room. Not even 5mins later. I heard my brother calling out again. This time he sounded impatient.
I got pissed and went out again. But I didn't see anyone. Thinking that my brother was lurking around and playing a prank. I snatched the phone and called him.
Me: 'Oi! Where are you?'
My bro, Nikie: ' I'm outside'
Me: 'Haiyah! I knew it! I told Baba to open the door but he said he didn't hear you.'
Nikie: ' Ummm... actually I'm still outside somewhere else with my friend. I'm not outside the house'
Me: ' you bloody sure?! then who is outside my window..... oh f***king s**t sial!'
It suddenly occurred to me that whoever is standing outside is not human.
Luckily even though my windows were open. My curtains were drawn tight. Unfortunately it was Friday night or as we Malays say it. 'Malam Jumaat' Basically the night where all those freaking 'CUTE' mischievous spirits are out and about and disturbing everybody.
This is not the 1st time. Last week on the same night, I came back around 1.30am after chilling out at the nearby coffeeshop with Juraida, Fitri and his fried. We did talk about all these ghost stuff and listened to those creepy ghost experiences that people went through on radio. It's a Malay channel. 89.7FM at 12am.
I used to go for rides in the car with Bear and we loved listening to all this stuff. Ok. Cut the story short. When I was reaching my front door, I was walking past my window, a strong smell hit me. It was unmistakeably he smell of FRANGIPANIES!!
I quickly held my breath and walked fast. My heart was thudding and my mind was thinking up all kinds of swear words in all kinds of languages that I know. Of all the dumb luck. &%$#@*$*#@!
When I opened my door, I gave a greeting and turned around to spit out behind me. An old lady once told that in the kampung days, they would usually put a pail of water outside their house to was their feet before going in. To prevent these spirits from following us into the house. If you don't have any pail of water handy. Spitting out will do. As long as it's water.
So I went in and as luck would have it. My dad was watching this Malaysian ghost story on DVD on my laptop. FACING THE WINDOW! By this time I was already surrendering myself to the prospect of having something come out in front of me and say boo.
Heesh.. Nowadays I'm so prone to being followed by this things. For those who know about the girl who is harassing and stalking me. You people should have already know that this girl claims to study black magic and that she has powers. So now I don't know whether it's true or not. Every time I feel reluctant to believe all this. Something will come up that will make me think that it could be possible.
Well anyway..
Friday 4th May Went for the 2nd interview at Mercator and I got the job. Told me that I could start work in a week's time. YES! Finally! Some form of income will be deposited at the start of every month. What luck.. My savings are depleting rather rapidly.
So now I'm going to be a Receptionist at Mercator Lines. Not very glamorous but hey it's a job. Anyway it will suit my needs just right. It's the normal office routine. 5 days work week. 9-6pm. The pay may not be that fantastic but as long as I'm going to have cash for shopping and stuff then it's fine. Anyway it's not like as if I'm going to make it my career.
The hours are perfect for me to take my part-time psychology course in the evening. Come July I'll be working in the day and studying psychology at night. Perfect isn't it?
After that, I met up with Cheryl again and as usual we went to our favourite place. Bakerzin. I totally feel in love with their vanilla creme brulee and bailey's Irish souffle. Mouth watering! Cheryl ordered the pan-seared tuna and will of course end her meal with her favourite Macchiato.

After the usual gossiping, we went called a cab to go home. Poor Cheryl was bothered by a bangla. While Cheryl was on the phone waiting for her cab confirmation. This bangla went up to her and asked for a light. After taking back her lighter the bangla walked a few metres away to join his friend. Both of them started looking at Cheryl and struck a Bollywood pose. HA HA!
They were so irritating man.. They kept looking over and smiling and trying to act handsome. NOT EVEN IN THE LEAST BIT HANDSOME la.. Unfortunately I got a cab 1st. Poor Cheryl. If she lives near me in Jurong I would have gladly shared a cab with her. But she lives in Pasir Ris. Too bad.
When I was in the cab, Cheryl called to complain about them. Apparently once I left, the bangla came over and stood really close to her and tried to strike up a conversation. Cheryl didn't really listen to him much when he asked the usual questions like 'are you local' and stuff. But she really got pissed off when he called her a hot babe and insinuated the prospect to being friends. She told him off and ignored him. The bangla didn't get the hint and actually had the audacity to stay and lean against her bag. She snapped and told him in a stern voice to back off.
He quickly said sorry and walked away to join his friend. I laughed out loud. I told Cheryl that if I was in her shoes, I would have probably been sarcastic and shouted all the swear words I know at him. Haiz.. So difficult to do a good deed today. Helped him by lending him a lighter and he wants more. He actually had the cheek to wave goodbye at Cheryl when she boarded her cab. BLOODY HELL!
After I had reached home and changed I called Bear. Horrors! A girl answered and asked repeatedly who I am. Before I could even say that I'm his girlfriend, she disconnected the call. I called him back and he was very grumpy. He asked me who was on the line earlier. I told him that I should be asking him because a girl answered and that I thought the girl was his sister but she didn't know who I was. I called his house and asked his mom about his whereabouts and whether his sister is at home. His mom said that he's trying to sleep because he's having a fever and that his sister was working night. I told his mom that a girl answered when I called him. His mom said that she did answer his phone but she heard a guy talking. Strange. Then I realised what happened. We had some crossed line going on. No wonder he asked me who was on the line earlier. It ever happened before. There was 1 time when I called him and he picked up but he heard a guy talking and on my part I heard a girl talking. Not surprisingly we had a misunderstanding. Saturday 5th May Went over to Bear's house. I was late.. He already went out fishing with friend around 1pm his mom said. *%@& I reached there at exactly 2pm. It's so difficult to meet him! His mom as usual complained that I'm getting skinnier and fed me.
Bear's cat recently gave birth and the kittens are so cute!

After that we sat around talking about that stupid b***h who's harassing us. Then his mom said something that made me speechless. She said that once Bear stops buying his guitars and equipments, she hopes that Bear will save up so that we can both get engaged quickly.
My jaw dropped and I had an incredulous look.. when she saw my expression she assured me that she was being serious. I felt like giggling hysterically. In my mind I was thinking.. 'If only she knows how her son is treating me now' but it's ok.. At least I know that the mother likes me enough to actually think of that prospect.
In other circumstances I would have been happy because Bear and I did planned to get engaged near the end of the year. But now.. I don't know whether that will happen.
Monday 7th May Got a call from Mercator Lines and they asked whether I can start work on Thursday instead of the following Monday. I was okay with it. I'm starting work soon. Maybe work will keep my mind of things. At least I have something to occupy myself instead of worrying endlessly.
 Labels: I am exhausted