On Sunday I went window shopping with Dea and it was damn frustrating I tell you!
Sales everywhere. We totally fell in love with this particular GUESS? blouse which was originally $175 and it was strike down to a fucking $59 bucks xia!!
But we had to resist ourselves from shopping cause we really need to save up for the Bangkok trip. I'm going to shop till I drop and crawl!
We were practically clutching each other and hyperventilating when we saw how the prices were slashed.
Dea's arm were covered with goosebumps all the way..
Relax girl..
September will roll in soon!
I have to say that my best girlfriend since secondary school, Sue joined my company too. So now there's 3 ex Hong Kah students and it's such a blast to have her around.
I miss my babe lah.. Ever since she got married and gave birth.. I didn't spend as much time meeting her as before.
What to do.. A wife and a mother already.. Her daughter/ my god daughter is really cute lah.. I will steal a pic of her from Sue's phone and post it up.
She will seriously grow up to be a beautiful young lady and a heart breaker too.
Abit like her mom.
Enough talking.. Just see the pics of me and my colleagues.

Ok enough of this!
I'm tired!
I better go and sleep. This coming weekend will be a busy one for me.
On Saturday 7th July, I'll be going to Lia & Zul's engagement then I'll be going shopping with Dea and I will have a surprise!
One of my wish list will be coming true.. Guess which.. heheh..
After shopping, if it's not too late.. I'll be going to Ain & Didi's wedding dinner. If I cant make it..
Sorry eh Ain.. You know what I'm going to be getting right?
I don't know how long it will take. But I'll see you the next day. That's a promise!
Then on Sunday 8th July, Ain and Didi's wedding!
Everyone I know is either getting engaged or married. I heard that my ex primary school friend got married last week and in August, my ex secondary school friend is getting engaged and...
Rudy's mom told me earlier today that his brother is getting engaged in August!
The torture!!
But hey..
Congratz to them...
P.S. Thanks to my friends who are helping me cope with the lonely void that Rudy has left behind.
Thank you for listening to my rants and raves and my pleas for help.
Thank you for supporting me and sitting through my tears.
Thanks to my friends who kept me entertained at work so that I won't be thinking of him.
Thanks to Cheryl for making me put aside my own problems so that I could occupy myself with yours. Hee...
Especially Dea who actually talked to me all through the night till the early morning listening to me cry my heart out when I called her just as she was about to fall asleep..
Thanks Gf! And I'm so sorry to disrupt your sleep.
Till then...