Dear You
Angry is not even a good enough word to describe how I feel now.
Here's a few words that are suitable.
Apoplectic, enraged, foaming, fuming, furious, incensed, indignant, inflamed, infuriated, irate, ireful, mad, livid, seething, outraged, wrathful..
In fact ..
I'm downright PISSED!
You must be wondering why..
The reason why is because my original Livejournal, has been tampered/hacked by none other than my nemesis.
Let me briefly update on that part.
I'm not a celebrity or anyone famous but I have a stalker. A girl who is psychotic. She is bloody mentally-unstable. She harresses my Bear and I through websms and prank calls.
Before you say 'why don't you report to the police' believe me when i say that we did. That was last year. We had to go to the courthouse to file a magistrate complain so that they can investigate. They are still investigating.
Why it is taking so long is because the PSYCHO uses different public phones all over the island to make her prank calls to us. She uses different cybercafes everywhere that doesn't ask for any identification. She makes sure she goes to the ones that are busy so that the staf won't remember her.
Yes. She tries very hard to cover her tracks. In the meantime, she is giving me a migraine. My Bear and I are still together. We are not going to seperate just to give her the satisfaction.
She told me that she hates my guts. Because she hates the way I get anything and everything I want. I qoute " i hate you. everything you want, you will always get. Be it guys, friends, money, material stuff. you just have to say it and you will get it".
Ok. That is so not true. Guys are 1 thing. Most guys unfortunately have their brains in their underwear. Love is a question that is pushed aside to another day. Sex is foremost on their mind. I stress the word MOST. To the good guys. Please don't be offended.
Friends. That's another thing. I do try to be nice and talk to people but that doesn't automatically end up in them being my friends. Sorry. I'm afraid I pick and choose my friends. What can I say? I'm fussy in that way. I make sure my friends are those that will always be there for me through all my ups and downs. I can count my very close best friends on my two hands and even then it's not up to the number 10. I have alot of acquintances. But I don't bother counting my enemies. If I do. I'm sure that PSYCHO will be placed at the top of the list.
Money. Now what nonsense is she talking about. When I want money, I always get? Bullshiet! I have to work to earn money too. I'm not like King Midas and everything I touch turns to money.
Material stuff. Like I say. I have to work to earn the money. So I am entitled to buy material stuff right? Ok so others have given me stuff. Like on my birthday! Or even gifts from my Bear.
Psycho wants to be with my Bear but yet she hates him for not even noticing her.
NOTE* Bear and I have never seen her before let alone know who she is.
Sending me hateful, demeaning emails and messages... Hell Hath No Fury Like A Woman Scorned!
It's not enough that she asked her friend Z***L to seduce my Bear!
When I get my hands on her. Even stampeding elephants won't be able to get me off her.
Till then.. I just have to wait.
Oh and PSYCHO. If you're reading this. GET A BLOODY LIFE!
 Labels: i'm in an angry mood